WELLness and Biophilia

According to the National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS), A Resource for Assessing Exposure to Environmental Pollutants, we spend 89.9% of our time indoors.

Our lives are so reliant around the development of buildings and their systems and technology that we sometimes forget about the simple things that matter; such as the natural connection to the outside.

That doesn’t mean we need to eliminate technology, instead we need to find a balance between the two, especially in our workplace. Current design trends, including biomimicry, suggest an approach to workplace design incorporating natural cues and wellness principles that will support comfort, enhance productivity and create a place people feel positive working in.

In the conclusion of our office mini-series we are joined by Sarah Welton from the WELL Building Institute to discuss how to create a working environment supporting technology, staff mental health, productivity and happiness.  Sarah discusses her thoughts on the need to consider not only how a building will be used but who a building will be used by. Sarah highlights how protecting your health is less expensive than healing the ill, and that taking the same approach when creating a building may require initial investment, but the positivity generated will benefit your business and your employees in the long run.

We are later joined by Richard MacCowan from Biomimicry UK to explore replicating the natural world inside our buildings and the benefits of doing so. However just including plants in your building does not mean a building is healthy; and Richard explains instead we should use the outside world as inspiration throughout our designs.